Example: <att> (attribute)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <att> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <att> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

22 Documentation Elements

22.1.1 Phrase Level Terms

<p>The <gi>gi</gi> element is used to tag element
   names when they appear in the text; the <gi>tag</gi> element however is used to show how a tag as
   such might appear. So one might talk of an occurrence of the <gi>blort</gi> element which had been
   tagged <tag>blort type='runcible'</tag>. The <att>type</att> attribute may take any name token as
   value; the default value is <val>spqr</val>, in memory of its creator.</p>


<p>The TEI defines several <soCalled>global</soCalled> attributes; their names include
 <att>xml:id</att>, <att>rend</att>, <att>xml:lang</att>, <att>n</att>, <att>xml:space</att>,
   and <att>xml:base</att>; <att scheme="XX">type</att> is not amongst them.</p>


<p>La TEI définit six attributs<soCalled>globaux</soCalled> qui se nomment
 <att>xml:id</att>, <att>rend</att>, <att>xml:lang</att>, <att>n</att>,
 <att>xml:space</att>, et <att>xml:base</att>; <att scheme="XX">type</att>n'en fait pas
   partie .</p>


 <att>xml:id</att>, <att>rend</att>, <att>xml:lang</att>, <att>n</att>, <att>xml:space</att>,
   和<att>xml:base</att>; <att scheme="XX">type</att> 不在其中。</p>


  <head>A slide about <gi>egXML</gi></head>
    <gi>egXML</gi> can be used to give XML examples in the TEI
         Examples namespace</item>
   <item>Attributes values for <att>valid</att>:
    <list rend="collapsed">
      <val rend="green">true</val>: intended to be fully
      <val rend="amber">feasible</val>: valid if missing nodes
      <val rend="red">false</val>: not intended to be valid</item>
   <item>The <att>rend</att> attribute in the TEI namespace can be
         used for recording how parts of the example was rendered.</item>
  <head>A slide about <gi>egXML</gi></head>
    <gi>egXML</gi> can be used to give XML examples in the TEI
         Examples namespace</item>
   <item>Attributes values for <att>valid</att>:
    <list rend="collapsed">
      <val rend="green">true</val>: intended to be fully
      <val rend="amber">feasible</val>: valid if missing nodes
      <val rend="red">false</val>: not intended to be valid</item>
   <item>The <att>rend</att> attribute in the TEI namespace can be
         used for recording how parts of the example was rendered.</item>

22.4.1 Description of Components

<elementSpec module="coreident="foreign">
<!--... -->
  <p>This element is intended for use only where no other element is available to mark the phrase
       or words concerned. The global <att>xml:lang</att> attribute should be used in preference to
       this element where it is intended to mark the language of the whole of some text element.</p>
  <p>The <gi>distinct</gi> element may be used to identify phrases belonging to sublanguages or
       registers not generally regarded as true languages.</p>
<!--... -->


<exemplum xml:lang="en">
 <p>The <gi>name</gi> element can be used for both personal names and place names:</p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve"><![CDATA[ <q>My dear <name type="person">Mr.           Bennet</name>,</q> said his lady to him one day,           <q>have you heard that <name type="place">Netherfield           Park</name> is let at last?</q>]]></eg>
 <p>As shown above, the <att>type</att> attribute may be used to distinguish the one from the


 <p>L'élément<gi>name</gi> est employé à la fois pour les noms propres de personne et de
     lieu : </p>
 <eg xml:space="preserve">             <q>               <name type="person">Mrs. Parker</name>, connaît un épicier bulgare, nommé, <name                 type="person">Popochef Rosenfeld</name>qui vient d'arriver de <name type="place"                 >Constantinople</name>. C'est un grand spécialiste en yaourts.</q>           </eg>
 <p>Comme il est indiqué ci-dessus, l'attribut<att>type</att> peut être utilisé pour
     distinguer un élément de l'autre.</p>


 <eg xml:space="preserve"><![CDATA[ <q>我親愛的 <name           type="person">班耐特</name>先生,</q> 有一天太太對他說,           <q>你聽到<name type="place">尼得斐莊園</name>           終於租出去了嗎?</q>]]></eg>
 <p>如上所示,<att>屬性值</att> 可用來分辨人名或地名。</p>


<constraintSpec ident="demo-c1"

 <desc>Enforce the presence of the <att>spanTo</att> attribute</desc>
  <sch:assert test="@spanTo">The spanTo= attribute of <sch:name/>
       is required.</sch:assert>

2 The TEI Header


   <title>Shakespeare: the first folio (1623) in electronic form</title>
   <author>Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)</author>
    <resp>Originally prepared by</resp>
    <name>Trevor Howard-Hill</name>
    <resp>Revised and edited by</resp>
    <name>Christine Avern-Carr</name>
   <distributor>Oxford Text Archive</distributor>
    <addrLine>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN, UK</addrLine>
   <idno type="OTA">119</idno>
    <p>Freely available on a non-commercial basis.</p>
   <date when="1968">1968</date>
   <bibl>The first folio of Shakespeare, prepared by Charlton Hinman (The Norton Facsimile,
   <p>Originally prepared for use in the production of a series of old-spelling
         concordances in 1968, this text was extensively checked and revised for use during the
         editing of the new Oxford Shakespeare (Wells and Taylor, 1989).</p>
    <p>Turned letters are silently corrected.</p>
    <p>Original spelling and typography is retained, except that long s and ligatured
           forms are not encoded.</p>
  <refsDecl xml:id="ASLREF">
   <cRefPattern matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"

    <p>A reference is created by assembling the following, in the reverse order as that
           listed here: <list>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the preceding <gi>lb</gi></item>
      <item>a period</item>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the ancestor <gi>div2</gi></item>
      <item>a space</item>
      <item>the <att>n</att> value of the parent <gi>div1</gi></item>
    <date when="1989-04-12">12 Apr 89</date> Last checked by CAC</item>
    <date when="1989-03-01">1 Mar 89</date> LB made new file</item>


<quotation marks="none">
 <p>No quotation marks have been retained. Instead, the <att>rend</att> attribute on the
  <gi>q</gi> element is used to specify what kinds of quotation mark was used, according
     to the following list: <list type="gloss">
   <item>double quotes, open and close</item>
   <item>single quotes, open and close</item>
   <item>long dash open, no close</item>
   <item>double guillemets, open and close</item>


<quotation marks="none">
 <p>Aucun guillemet n'a été conservé. Au lieu de cela, on a utilisé l'attribut
  <att>rend</att> pour l'élément <gi>q</gi> afin de spécifier quel type de guillemet a été
     utilisé, selon la liste suivante : <list type="gloss">
   <item>guillemet allemand</item>
   <item>guillemet anglais ou guillemet dactylographique </item>
   <item>guillemet français</item>


<quotation marks="none">
 <p>不保留引號,改用元素<gi>q</gi>內的屬性<att>rend</att> 來區分引號的種類,種類如下:<list type="gloss">
</quotation> Prose Method

 <p>The <att>n</att> attribute of each text in this corpus carries a
     unique identifying code for the whole text. The title of the text is
     held as the content of the first <gi>head</gi> element within each
     text. The <att>n</att> attribute on each <gi>div1</gi> and
  <gi>div2</gi> contains the canonical reference for each such
     division, in the form 'XX.yyy', where XX is the book number in Roman
     numerals, and yyy the section number in arabic. Line breaks are
     marked by empty <gi>lb</gi> elements, each of which includes the
     through line number in Casaubon's edition as the value of its
  <gi>n</gi> attribute.</p>
 <p>The through line number and the text identifier uniquely identify
     any line. A canonical reference may be made up by concatenating the
  <gi>n</gi> values from the <gi>text</gi>, <gi>div1</gi>, or
  <gi>div2</gi> and calculating the line number within each part.</p>


<refsDecl xml:id="fr_ASLREF">
 <cRefPattern matchPattern="(\S+) ([^.]+)\.(.*)"

  <p>Une référence a été créée en assemblant les éléments suivants dans l'ordre inverse de
       la liste qui suit : <list>
    <item>la valeur <att>n</att> du précédent <gi>lb</gi></item>
    <item>une période</item>
    <item>la valeur <att>n</att> de l'ancêtre <gi>div2</gi></item>
    <item>un espace</item>
    <item>la valeur<att>n</att> du parent <gi>div1</gi></item>


     然後是續接的下一(最低) 層級的<gi>div</gi>所組成。</p>


 <p>References are made up by concatenating the value for the
  <att>n</att> attribute on the highest level <gi>div</gi>
     element, followed by a space, followed by the sequential
     number of the next level <gi>div</gi> followed by a colon
     followed by the sequential number of the next (and lowest)
     level <gi>div</gi>.</p>

2.6 The Revision Description

<!-- ... --><revisionDesc>
 <change n="RCS:1.39when="2007-08-08"
Changed <val>drama.verse</val>
  <gi>lg</gi>s to <gi>p</gi>s. <note>we have opened a discussion about the need for a new
       value for <att>type</att> of <gi>lg</gi>, <val>drama.free.verse</val>, in order to address
       the verse of Behn which is not in regular iambic pentameter. For the time being these
       instances are marked with a comment note until we are able to fully consider the best way
       to encode these instances.</note></change>
 <change n="RCS:1.33when="2007-06-28"
Added <att>key</att> and <att>reg</att>
     to <gi>name</gi>s.</change>
 <change n="RCS:1.31when="2006-12-04"
Completed renovation. Validated.</change>

2.7 Minimal and Recommended Headers

   <title>Common sense, a machine-readable transcript</title>
   <author>Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)</author>
    <resp>compiled by</resp>
    <name>Jon K Adams</name>
   <distributor>Oxford Text Archive.</distributor>
    <addrLine>Oxford University Computing Services,</addrLine>
    <addrLine>13 Banbury Road,</addrLine>
    <addrLine>Oxford OX2 6RB,</addrLine>
   <note>Brief notes on the text are in a
         supplementary file.</note>
     <editor>Foner, Philip S.</editor>
     <title>The collected writings of Thomas Paine</title>
      <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
      <publisher>Citadel Press</publisher>
   <p>Editorial notes in the Foner edition have not
         been reproduced. </p>
   <p>Blank lines and multiple blank spaces, including paragraph
         indents, have not been preserved. </p>
   <correction status="high"

    <p>The following errors
           in the Foner edition have been corrected:
      <item>p. 13 l. 7 cotemporaries contemporaries</item>
      <item>p. 28 l. 26 [comma] [period]</item>
      <item>p. 84 l. 4 kin kind</item>
      <item>p. 95 l. 1 stuggle struggle</item>
      <item>p. 101 l. 4 certainy certainty</item>
      <item>p. 167 l. 6 than that</item>
      <item>p. 209 l. 24 publshed published</item>
    <p>No normalization beyond that performed
           by Foner, if any. </p>
   <quotation marks="all">
    <p>All double quotation marks
           rendered with ", all single quotation marks with
           apostrophe. </p>
   <hyphenation eol="none">
    <p>Hyphenated words that appear at the
           end of the line in the Foner edition have been reformed.</p>
    <p>The values of <att>when-iso</att> on the <gi>time</gi>
           element always end in the format <val>HH:MM</val> or
     <val>HH</val>; i.e., seconds, fractions thereof, and time
           zone designators are not present.</p>
    <p>Compound proper names are marked. </p>
    <p>Dates are marked. </p>
    <p>Italics are recorded without interpretation. </p>
   <taxonomy xml:id="lcsh">
    <bibl>Library of Congress Subject Headings</bibl>
   <taxonomy xml:id="lc">
    <bibl>Library of Congress Classification</bibl>
   <language ident="enusage="100">English.</language>
   <keywords scheme="#lcsh">
    <term>Political science</term>
    <term>United States -- Politics and government —
           Revolution, 1775-1783</term>
   <classCode scheme="#lc">JC 177</classCode>
  <change when="1996-01-22who="#MSM"> finished proofreading </change>
  <change when="1995-10-30who="#LB"> finished proofreading </change>
  <change notBefore="1995-07-04who="#RG"> finished data entry at end of term </change>
  <change notAfter="1995-01-01who="#RG"> began data entry before New Year 1995 </change>

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.10.4 Declaring Reference Systems

  <cRefPattern matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"

   <p>A canonical reference is assembled with
     <item>the name of the <label>work</label>: the
      <att>n</att> of a <gi>div1</gi>,</item>
     <item>a space,</item>
     <item>the number of the <label>book</label>: the
      <att>n</att> of a child <gi>div2</gi>,</item>
     <item>a full stop</item>
     <item>the number of the <label>poem</label>: the
      <att>n</att> of a child <gi>div3</gi>,</item>
     <item>the line number: the <att>n</att> value of a
             child <gi>l</gi></item>
  <cRefPattern matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)"

   <p>Same as above, but without the last component (full
         stop followed by the <gi>l</gi>'s <att>n</att>.</p>
  <cRefPattern matchPattern="([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)"

   <p>Same as above, but without the poem component (full
         stop followed by the <gi>div3</gi>'s <att>n</att>.</p>

21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility


<!-- in the <teiHeader>: --><respStmt xml:id="enc03">
 <persName ref="../contextual/persons.xml#across.dta"/>
<!-- in the <text>: -->
<spGrp rend="braced(atonce1)"

 <sp who="#mo">
  <speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
  <p rend="break(no)">So, so, so!</p>
 <sp who="#hg">
  <speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
   <persName>Mr. H</persName>.</speaker>
  <p rend="break(no)">What, without my Leave!</p>
 <sp who="#la">
  <speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
   <persName>Lady D</persName>.</speaker>
  <p rend="break(no)">Amazing!</p>
<stage rend="align(right)slant(italic)"
All together.</stage>
<!-- anywhere: -->
<respons target="sgrp05locus="name"

 <desc>Ashley did not know what to do with this; I have decided it
     best fits as a braced <gi>spGrp</gi></desc>
<respons target="sgrp05match=".//@rend"

 <desc>fixed <att>rend</att> attributes</desc>