Example: <profileDesc> (text-profile description)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <profileDesc> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <profileDesc> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

2 The TEI Header


   <title>La Parisienne</title>
   <author>Henry BECQUE</author>
   <distributor>ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française)</distributor>
   <idno type="FRANTEXT">L434</idno>
    <addrLine>44, avenue de la Libération</addrLine>
    <addrLine>BP 30687</addrLine>
    <addrLine>54063 Nancy Cedex</addrLine>
   <availability status="free">
    <p>Dans un cadre de recherche ou d'enseignement</p>
      <publisher>Paris : Fasquelle, 1922.</publisher>


  <language ident="fr">French</language>
 <textDesc n="novel">
  <channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel>
  <constitution type="single"/>
  <derivation type="original"/>
  <domain type="art"/>
  <factuality type="fiction"/>
  <interaction type="none"/>
  <preparedness type="prepared"/>
  <purpose type="entertaindegree="high"/>
  <purpose type="informdegree="medium"/>
   <name>Paris, France</name>
   <time>Late 19th century</time>


  <language ident="fr">français</language>
 <textDesc n="roman">
  <channel mode="w">copie; extraits </channel>
  <constitution type="single"/>
  <derivation type="original"/>
  <domain type="art"/>
  <factuality type="fiction"/>
  <interaction type="none"/>
  <preparedness type="prepare"/>
  <purpose type="distractiondegree="high"/>
  <purpose type="information"

   <name>Paris, France</name>
   <time>Fin 19e</time>


  <language ident="fr">法文</language>
 <textDesc n="novel">
  <channel mode="w">出版品;專題輯</channel>
  <constitution type="single"/>
  <derivation type="original"/>
  <domain type="art"/>
  <factuality type="fiction"/>
  <interaction type="none"/>
  <preparedness type="prepared"/>
  <purpose type="entertaindegree="high"/>
  <purpose type="informdegree="medium"/>


 <abstract resp="#LB">
  <p>Good database design involves the acquisition and deployment of
       skills which have a wider relevance to the educational process. From
       a set of more or less instinctive rules of thumb a formal discipline
       or "methodology" of database design has evolved. Applying that
       methodology can be of great benefit to a very wide range of academic
       subjects: it requires fundamental skills of abstraction and
       generalisation and it provides a simple mechanism whereby complex
       ideas and information structures can be represented and manipulated,
       even without the use of a computer. </p>

2.4.4 Abstracts

  <p>This paper is a draft studying
       various aspects of using the TEI
       as a reference serialization framework
       for LMF. Comments are welcome to bring
       this to a useful document for the

2.4.4 Abstracts

 <abstract xml:lang="en">
  <p>The recent archaeological emphasis
       on the study of settlement patterns,
       landscape and palaeoenvironments has
       shaped and re-shaped our understanding
       of the Viking settlement of Iceland.
       This paper reviews the developments
       in Icelandic archaeology, examining
       both theoretical and practical advances.
       Particular attention is paid to new
       ideas in terms of settlement patterns
       and resource exploitation. Finally,
       some of the key studies of the ecological
       consequences of the Norse
   <foreign xml:lang="is">landnám</foreign>
       are presented. </p>
 <abstract xml:lang="fr">
  <p>L’accent récent des
       recherches archéologiques sur l’étude des
       configurations spatiales des colonies, de la
       géographie des sites ainsi que des éléments
       paléo-environnementaux nous mène à réexaminer
       et réévaluer nos connaissances acquises sur
       la colonisation de l’Islande par les Vikings.
       Cet article passe en revue le développement
       de l’archéologie islandaise en examinant les
       progrès théoriques et pratiques en la matière.
       Une attention particulière est portée sur
       l’étude des configurations spatiales des
       colonies ainsi qu’une considération des
       questions d’exploitation des ressources.
       Finalement, l’article présente un aperçu des
       études principales qui traitent des
       conséquences écologiques du
   <foreign xml:lang="is">landnám</foreign>

2.4.4 Abstracts

   <item>An annual HBC supply ship is
         set to the North West Coast for mid-September.</item>
    <name key="pelly_jh">Pelly</name> writes
         to ascertain the British Government's plans
         for the lands associated with the Oregon Treaty;
         he wants to know what will happen to the HBC's
         establishment on the southern <name type="place"
Vancouver Island</name>.
         He adds that a former Crown grant, an 1838 exclusive
         trade-grant for the lands in question, has yet to
   <item>The minutes discuss the nature of the HBC's
         original entitlements and question whether or not,
         and in what capacity, the Oregon Treaty affects the
         HBC's position. The majority council further
         investigation, and to reply cautiously and
         judiciously to the HBC inquiry.</item>
         summary of a meeting with <name key="pelly_jh">Pelly</name> is offered in
         order to elucidate the HBC's intentions.</item>
    <name key="grey_hg">Lord Grey</name> calls
         for greater consideration on the issue of
         colonization; he asks that <name key="stephen_j">Stephen</name> write the Company,
         asking them to detail their intentions, and to
         state their legal opinion for entitlement.


   <change xml:id="DRAFT1">First draft in pencil</change>
   <change xml:id="DRAFT2"
First revision, mostly
         using green ink</change>
   <change xml:id="DRAFT3"
Final corrections as
         supplied to printer.</change>

2.7 Minimal and Recommended Headers

   <title>Common sense, a machine-readable transcript</title>
   <author>Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)</author>
    <resp>compiled by</resp>
    <name>Jon K Adams</name>
   <distributor>Oxford Text Archive.</distributor>
    <addrLine>Oxford University Computing Services,</addrLine>
    <addrLine>13 Banbury Road,</addrLine>
    <addrLine>Oxford OX2 6RB,</addrLine>
   <note>Brief notes on the text are in a
         supplementary file.</note>
     <editor>Foner, Philip S.</editor>
     <title>The collected writings of Thomas Paine</title>
      <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
      <publisher>Citadel Press</publisher>
   <p>Editorial notes in the Foner edition have not
         been reproduced. </p>
   <p>Blank lines and multiple blank spaces, including paragraph
         indents, have not been preserved. </p>
   <correction status="high"

    <p>The following errors
           in the Foner edition have been corrected:
      <item>p. 13 l. 7 cotemporaries contemporaries</item>
      <item>p. 28 l. 26 [comma] [period]</item>
      <item>p. 84 l. 4 kin kind</item>
      <item>p. 95 l. 1 stuggle struggle</item>
      <item>p. 101 l. 4 certainy certainty</item>
      <item>p. 167 l. 6 than that</item>
      <item>p. 209 l. 24 publshed published</item>
    <p>No normalization beyond that performed
           by Foner, if any. </p>
   <quotation marks="all">
    <p>All double quotation marks
           rendered with ", all single quotation marks with
           apostrophe. </p>
   <hyphenation eol="none">
    <p>Hyphenated words that appear at the
           end of the line in the Foner edition have been reformed.</p>
    <p>The values of <att>when-iso</att> on the <gi>time</gi>
           element always end in the format <val>HH:MM</val> or
     <val>HH</val>; i.e., seconds, fractions thereof, and time
           zone designators are not present.</p>
    <p>Compound proper names are marked. </p>
    <p>Dates are marked. </p>
    <p>Italics are recorded without interpretation. </p>
   <taxonomy xml:id="lcsh">
    <bibl>Library of Congress Subject Headings</bibl>
   <taxonomy xml:id="lc">
    <bibl>Library of Congress Classification</bibl>
   <language ident="enusage="100">English.</language>
   <keywords scheme="#lcsh">
    <term>Political science</term>
    <term>United States -- Politics and government —
           Revolution, 1775-1783</term>
   <classCode scheme="#lc">JC 177</classCode>
  <change when="1996-01-22who="#MSM"> finished proofreading </change>
  <change when="1995-10-30who="#LB"> finished proofreading </change>
  <change notBefore="1995-07-04who="#RG"> finished data entry at end of term </change>
  <change notAfter="1995-01-01who="#RG"> began data entry before New Year 1995 </change>

11 Representation of Primary Sources

11.7 Identifying Changes and Revisions

  <listChange ordered="true">
   <change xml:id="ST-1">First stage, written in ink </change>
   <change xml:id="ST-2">Second stage, with revisions written in the author's hand
         using pencil</change>
   <change xml:id="ST-3">Fixation of the pencilled revisions together with further
         revisions in the author's hand using ink</change>
   <change xml:id="ST-4">Additions in a different hand, probably at a later

11.7 Identifying Changes and Revisions

   <change xml:id="o">An unrelated change note</change>
   <listChange xml:id="m">
    <change xml:id="m1">Alterations on one manuscript page, certainly
    <change xml:id="m2">Alterations on another manuscript page, certainly
   <change xml:id="p">Another unrelated change note</change>

11.7 Identifying Changes and Revisions

  <date notAfter="1816-07-18"/>
  <listChange ordered="true">
   <change xml:id="mod1when="1816-07-16">The first draft of
    <title>Persuasion</title>, completed by the date <date>July 16 1816</date>
         which is written after the word <q>Finis</q> at <ref target="#pers-30">page
   <change xml:id="mod2"
After the <date>16th of July</date>
         Austen starts revision of the two final chapters, by rewriting the end and
         adding a new zone (<ref target="#transp-1">pages 32-35</ref>) to be inserted at
    <ref target="#insertion-p1">page 19</ref>. This stage is documented by the
         deletion of the date (<date>July 16 1816</date>) at <ref target="#pers-30">page
           30</ref>, and the addition of more text and of a new date (<date>July 18.
           1816</date>) at <ref target="#pers-31">page 31</ref></change>
   <change notBefore="1816-07-18">Before publication, after <date>July 18th,
           1816</date> chapters 10-11 were broken into three chapters, 10, 11, 12, as
         witnessed by the print.</change>

11.7 Identifying Changes and Revisions

  <listChange ordered="true">
   <change target="#zone_1 #subst_3">First stage, written in ink by a
   <change target="#zone_2 #mod_1 #line_1 #line_2 #subst_1 #subst_2 #subst_4 #delSpan_1">Revised by Goethe using pencil</change>
   <change target="#redo_1 #redo_2 #redo_3 #subst_1 #subst_2 #delSpan_1 #add_1">Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions by Goethe using
  <zone xml:id="zone_1">
   <line xml:id="line_1">
    <handShift new="#g_bl"/>
    <retrace hand="#g_txml:id="redo_1">Nun</retrace>
    <handShift new="#jo_t"/>Ihr wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</line>
   <line xml:id="line_2">
    <handShift new="#g_bl"/>
    <retrace hand="#g_txml:id="redo_2">feiſt</retrace>
   <line>Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel ſatt.</line> [...] </zone>
  <l n="11656">
   <subst xml:id="subst_1">
   </subst> wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</l>
  <l n="11657">Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel <subst xml:id="subst_2">


  <listChange ordered="true">
   <change xml:id="CHG-1">First stage, written in ink by a writer</change>
   <change xml:id="CHG-2">Second stage, written in Goethe's hand using pencil</change>
   <change xml:id="CHG-3">Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions by
         Goethe using ink</change>
   <change xml:id="CHG-4">Addition of another stanza in a different hand,
         probably at a later stage</change>

13 Names, Dates, People, and Places

13.3.2 The Person Element

  <listPerson type="historical">
   <person xml:id="ART1">
   <person xml:id="BERT1">
<!-- ... -->
  <listPerson type="mythological">
   <person xml:id="ART2">
   <person xml:id="BERT2">
<!-- ... -->